Books & DVD's
This book contains magic tricks for every occasion, explained in illustrated, step-by-step detail; m..
$4.95 $12.00
D.J. Edwards Private Collection - There's One Born Every Minute by Harry Blackstone..
$29.95 $50.00
D.J. Edwards Private Collection - Think Different: DIY Magic by Barry Mitchell..
$14.95 $20.00
Inside the Magician's craft. By: Graham M. Jones (Signed Copy!)..
$34.95 $50.00
Trap the Door - Issue #6 - Written, Edited, and Copyrighted by Steven L. Beam..
$18.95 $35.00
By the Famous Magician: Will L. Lindhorst..
$24.95 $75.00
By Ron Frost "Be my guest as we journey together through the pages of the Wax Museum" -Ron Fros..
$4.95 $10.00
A Vaudeville Magic Act and Pithy Patter for the Parlor and the Professional Prestidigitator. ..
$34.95 $70.00
Instructions for Under the Table and Through the Woods a Card Trick by Bill Coomer.The Effect: ..
$6.95 $15.00
There are lots of masks to make in this book. All of them are eye-catching and original, simple to m..
$3.95 $10.00
A simple overview to a fascinating skill! By David W. Ebel..
$7.95 $15.00
Easy step-by-step instructions from Maher Ventriloquist Studios...
$19.95 $100.00
The Christian Worker's Manual of Ventriloquism by "Pastor Paul" Everett...
$19.95 $30.00
A history of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians! By Steve Adair and Steve Varro..
$8.95 $12.00
A history of the fellowship of Christian Magicians. By Stan Adair..
$11.95 $20.00
Showing 316 to 330 of 675 (45 Pages)